Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1001 Books to Read Before I Die

Seems morbid doesn't it? That the only goal I have to write about at the moment is to read all the great literary works in the last  4 centuries, before I die.

I found this list online thinking to myself how read I was already and that I should be able to check off at least 100 of the books already. Turns out I was so very very wrong! After spending most of my 25 years with my face stuck in books for fun I find myself surprisingly low on the accomplishment scale according to this list.

11 out of 1001. Game on. Completed from the list are the following:

A Prayer for Owen Meany- John Irving
The Cider House Rules- John Irving
To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
Lord of the Flies- William Golding
1984- George Orwell (which happens to be my all time favourite book)
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Heart of Darkness- Joseph Conrad (read it twice, hated it both times)
Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
Gullivers Travels- Johnathan Swift

I know what everyone will think when they realize I haven't read any Charles Dickens at all. So that is where I start this journey of written word... Charles Dickens and Great Expecations.

At 102 pages in, and still slightly confused trying to figure out the real language and story of the book I will press on a divulge through the tiny faded print, even if it is just to say I have done it.

Has anyone else attempted this insane challenge? Or have any thoughts on the book I am head first in at the moment?


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